Anandabai Shankar Dahekar (age 55) is a resident of village Hardoli (Taluka: Lakhandur) in Bhandara District of Maharashtra State. She has an acre of land, and cultivates rainfed paddy crop due to lack of any irrigation source.
“My husband died on 28 June 2020 due to sudden heart attack. Now we are in trouble. How should we earn for our livelihoods? I have a 26 year old son (name: Ganesh) who is unable to find work due current lockdown due to Covid -19”
After socio-economic and need analysis, Save Indian Farmers Foundation (SIFF) donated 3 goats to Anandabai to support livelihood . SIFF have also taken care of goats insurance. Forest area near her home will help with grazing the goats. Goats will provide the nutritional security (through milk) and financial support (by selling male goat/bokad) to Anandabai Dahekar and her family.